Schlagwort: Protect your brainwork

Competition Information Security Awareness Campaign

We have two winners in the creative ideas competition for the information security awareness campaign.

The ETH members had the chance to participate in the competition for creative ideas for the next Information Security Awareness campaign until end of January 2020. We are very happy to announce that we now can award prizes to two participants in the competition. We will take their ideas under advisement for our planning of the coming campaign, which is to start in spring 2021.


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Cyber Risks in Times of the Coronavirus

In corona times, we do not only have to protect ourselves from COVID-19: Especially in this phase, cyber attacks and viruses on the computer have an easier game. So watch out, washing your hands is not sufficient!


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Awareness in Research Data Management

All universities deal intensively with the topic of IT security and people’s awareness. One of the campaigns running at ETH is the PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. campaign. Let’s take a look at the EPFL library in Lausanne and their solution for IT security awareness.


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PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. – Keep Intruders out

The 11th IT security campaign has started, focusing on how to keep intruders out.

Everyday life without IT devices is hard to imagine these days. They simplify our lives and accompany us almost everywhere. Unknowingly we give away more about our identity when we use these devices carelessly. Research data, hobbies, date of birth, interests, shopping behaviour or credit card numbers: Do you know what data is stored on your devices, and who has access to that data? With these tips, you can protect yourself against intruders.


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PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. – Protect your Devices

The new IT security campaign has started – “Protect your Devices” with the focus on “Prevent theft – reduce losses”.

Photos, final theses, e-banking – mobile work anywhere, anytime has long since become an everyday occurrence. With this in mind, most users own several devices: a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop. Protecting these devices against theft and unauthorised access is worthwhile, because insecure devices also put your data at risk. Information security starts with the end device. PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. Weiterlesen

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The “IT Security Initiative”

ETH Zurich has launched its “IT Security Initiative” under the motto “Protect your brainwork”.

Protect your brainwork


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