Schlagwort: IT security

Cyber Risks in Times of the Coronavirus

In corona times, we do not only have to protect ourselves from COVID-19: Especially in this phase, cyber attacks and viruses on the computer have an easier game. So watch out, washing your hands is not sufficient!


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Awareness in Research Data Management

All universities deal intensively with the topic of IT security and people’s awareness. One of the campaigns running at ETH is the PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. campaign. Let’s take a look at the EPFL library in Lausanne and their solution for IT security awareness.


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New IT security website online

A working group of the IT security delegates has completely revised the security information for IT Services. The simplicity of the website is deceptive. To put it simply: Nothing about this website has been left to chance.

What has been replaced on the Website?

Up until now, when an ETH member searched for information about IT security in the search field on the ETH website, the results were, shall we say, lacking. There was a page for IT Services online but the content was randomly selected and disorganised. As a result, the site was not able to fill the need for reliable information.


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How to detect phishing mails

Emails are a practical and useful means of communication. However, they are often used by fraudsters to steal confidential data such as passwords or bank information. These so-called phishing emails pose a real risk. Not all of them can be automatically detected and stopped by technical email filters. This also means that phishing emails cannot be prevented from appearing in your mailboxes now and again.


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PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. – Protect your Devices

The new IT security campaign has started – “Protect your Devices” with the focus on “Prevent theft – reduce losses”.

Photos, final theses, e-banking – mobile work anywhere, anytime has long since become an everyday occurrence. With this in mind, most users own several devices: a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop. Protecting these devices against theft and unauthorised access is worthwhile, because insecure devices also put your data at risk. Information security starts with the end device. PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. Weiterlesen

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Sophos Exploit Prevention (SEP) in the Sophos Enterprise Console (SEC)

NotPetya and WannaCry kept the entire IT landscape on its toes in 2017, and it was replaced at the beginning of 2018 with Spectre and Meltdown. This meant IT security became an everyday topic, and not only for specialists. Even though such massive problems are initially very bad news for the reputation of an entire sector, there are nevertheless some positive side effects. In this case, it means above all that “Security Awareness” was once again on everyone’s mind. This in turn often produces the need for new products and services. Weiterlesen

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What is the “IT Security Initiative” about?

Following “Prevent Data Loss” & “Prevent Data Theft”, the next topic is forthcoming on Monday, 4 April. Weiterlesen

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