Schlagwort: IAT

Information and Alarm Tool (IAT)

ETH Zurich relies on an information and alarm tool (IAT), which has been in use since 2017.

In the event of evacuations and attacks, it allows the operator in the alarm control centre to alert affected persons, functionaries and rooms (such as lecture halls, computer rooms, etc.) at the touch of a button.

The following communication channels are used to sound the alarm:

  • digitally signed e-mails
  • landline calls (text-to-speech)
  • text message (SMS) and text-to-speech on the mobile phone
  • EVAK systems and mobile apps push notification (from April 2018)


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Your mobile number can save lives!

In an emergency, the ETH evacuation system which informs members over a loudspeaker is not all encompassing. Submit your mobile phone number for emergency alerts. Weiterlesen

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