Schlagwort: ETH Library

More than just data: Online Workshop Series

The amount of data generated in scientific research projects is steadily increasing. For this reason, Data Management (DM) is nowadays an essential component of every research activity. Moreover, most funding agencies require a Data Management Plan (DMP) for new grant applications.


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SWITCH edu-ID: New Access for the ETH Library

Instructions for ETH staff and students registering in IAM for the edu-ID or, if an edu-ID already exists, for logging in and linking it to ETH.


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Awareness in Research Data Management

All universities deal intensively with the topic of IT security and people’s awareness. One of the campaigns running at ETH is the PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. campaign. Let’s take a look at the EPFL library in Lausanne and their solution for IT security awareness.


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Introductory and farewell lectures digitised

Introductory and farewell lectures: Digitisation of historic content completed.

After more than five years, Multimedia Services have recently completed the project for digitising the analogue and “semi-digital” (digital data on analogue tape) recordings of inaugural and farewell lectures for the ETH library: The project, which started with the establishment of a “digitisation station” for VHS, DV and DAT tapes had to struggle with synchronisation problems initially and the lack of labor ressources at the later stages, which had to be put on ice for the migration of the video management system, and which also had to overcome hurdles due to licensing law, can now finally be viewed at A complete collection of introductory and farewell lectures recorded at ETH Zurich. Weiterlesen

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Search portal of the ETH Library extended to include the contents of the video portal

The video portal of the ETH is now also searchable via the search portal of the ETH Library, enlarging it by approx. 17,000 videos.

The video portal with the 17,000 recordings published there reflects a significant part of the scientific activities at ETH Zurich, ranging from recordings of inaugural and farewell lectures dating back to the nineteen seventies and current lecture videos to prominent individual lectures. Making this knowledge accessible, has always been a primary concern of the multimedia services of the ITS, as has ensuring the searchability of the recorded content with the aid of a usage-based system and the time-consuming allocation of metadata, as well as efforts to make recordings freely accessible (at the discretion of the authors) in the sense of “open access”. Weiterlesen

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