Making-of inside|out No. 27 / Take a guess at the IT find
“Knowing what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich”: The 27th newsletter inside|out is online.

“Knowing what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich”: The 27th newsletter inside|out is online.
«Where is room H13.1 in the main building?» and «What is the fastest way to get from my current position to another building?» are questions that frequently arise during everyday life at ETH Zurich.
WeiterlesenIn case you are wondering whether people with disabilities use computers and the internet, the answer is yes!
WeiterlesenJoin us on a journey into the past: What is this device and what do you personally associate with it? Tell us your story!Kommen Sie mit auf eine Zeitreise in die Vergangenheit: Worum handelt es sich bei diesem Gegenstand, und was verbinden Sie persönlich damit? Erzählen Sie uns Ihre Geschichte!
While the W3C recommendations on accessibility (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, WCAG 1.0) have been around since 2008, and assistive technology (screen readers etc.) even longer, 99% of all developers of widgets, plug-ins and components – especially of popular JS/CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap, jQuery (and their UI kits) and WebApps based on Angular, React or Vue – act as if the topic of digital accessibility doesn’t exist. This partially or completely excludes about 20% of users who used apps or websites based on these technologies. Unfortunately, this is the sad truth.
WeiterlesenGlobus a new service provided by the HPC group of Scientific IT Services (ITS SIS).
WeiterlesenThe next Informatiktage will take place from 28 March to 1 April 2022, and we are glad that it can take place again this year despite Corona. The exciting offer is aimed at school classes, teachers as well as children and young people. Participants can discover the world of computer science in exciting workshops, lectures and tours.
WeiterlesenThe next CS3 event will take place from 24 to 28 January 2022. The registration page is open and we welcome registrations for the free and educational conference.
Weiterlesen«Knowing what’s going on in IT at ETH Zurich»: The 26th newsletter inside|out is online.
In aviation, safe traffic in and above the clouds is ensured by pilots, on-board/control instruments and, ultimately, ground control centres. The latter monitor the entire airspace and ensure that traffic flows leaving their own airspace can also be secured.