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«Praxis D-MAVT» web application

«Praxis D-MAVT» was put into production by ITS Software Services at the end of May 2018.
Students of the D-MAVT department must complete 25-days of workshop practice in the bachelor’s programme and 60-days of industry practice in the master’s programme. Weiterlesen

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New Mailserver Version (

On Wednesday June 6, 2018, IT Services activated a new version of the mail server (


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Impressions from the Cybersecurity Forum in Singapore

International research universities have launched a cybersecurity forum in Singapore. Visit of ETH Zurich & impressions of Dr. Rui Brandao in the ETH-Blog. Weiterlesen

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Informatiktage 2018: Exhibition and Informatics Festival

The Informatiktage 2018 will take place on Friday 1 & Saturday 2 June 2018. We are looking forward to your visit!


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Information and Alarm Tool (IAT)

ETH Zurich relies on an information and alarm tool (IAT), which has been in use since 2017.

In the event of evacuations and attacks, it allows the operator in the alarm control centre to alert affected persons, functionaries and rooms (such as lecture halls, computer rooms, etc.) at the touch of a button.

The following communication channels are used to sound the alarm:

  • digitally signed e-mails
  • landline calls (text-to-speech)
  • text message (SMS) and text-to-speech on the mobile phone
  • EVAK systems and mobile apps push notification (from April 2018)


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ITS SWS developer get-together

The ITS Software Services (ITS SWS) section has been organising developer meetings at ETH Zurich since January 2013. There are two goals behind these get-togethers: on the one hand, we want to establish best practices by promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences. In doing so we want to strengthen the level of software development in ITS SWS (and at the ETH in general), and compensate for any knowledge gaps. Weiterlesen

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Sophos Exploit Prevention (SEP) in the Sophos Enterprise Console (SEC)

NotPetya and WannaCry kept the entire IT landscape on its toes in 2017, and it was replaced at the beginning of 2018 with Spectre and Meltdown. This meant IT security became an everyday topic, and not only for specialists. Even though such massive problems are initially very bad news for the reputation of an entire sector, there are nevertheless some positive side effects. In this case, it means above all that «Security Awareness» was once again on everyone’s mind. This in turn often produces the need for new products and services. Weiterlesen

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Making of: inside|out newsletter no. 15

IT news at ETH Zurich – «Find out what’s going on in terms of IT at ETH Zurich»: the 15th inside|out newsletter is online.

Take a look behind the scenes of the latest IT Services newsletter.

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IT security at ETH Zurich

At IT Services, IT security is an integral part of the overall lifecycle of a service – from the specification to the decommissioning.

IT security is varied and interdisciplinary. The expertise required ranges from raising awareness, communications in software development, project management, system hardening and operations through to security monitoring and incident management. The successful implementation of IT security can’t come from an ivory tower, but must rather be integrated into the day-to-day processes of all IT platforms and teams. This is the challenge that IT Services is tackling with the ITS security organisation. Weiterlesen

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