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Dos and Don’ts in Web Conferencing

Two months after the shutdown of ETH Zurich, web conferencing in general and zoom in particular have become an integral part of the everyday life of ETH staff and students. And with the intensive use comes a routine that can be observed not only in the meetings themselves: digital backgrounds from all over the world replace the view into the rooms of the participants. Less and less time of a meeting is devoted to solving technical problems. Nevertheless, there are some points that can still be identified as disruptive factors.


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Competition Information Security Awareness Campaign

We have two winners in the creative ideas competition for the information security awareness campaign.

The ETH members had the chance to participate in the competition for creative ideas for the next Information Security Awareness campaign until end of January 2020. We are very happy to announce that we now can award prizes to two participants in the competition. We will take their ideas under advisement for our planning of the coming campaign, which is to start in spring 2021.


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«Email is useless» – Obstacles facing the pioneers at ETH

The ETH has been one of the top ten technical universities for many years and is constantly hitting the headlines with its new innovations. And yet it was only just under 30 years ago that ETH had no internet or email. In one of our last posts, we created a timeline to illustrate the arrival of the internet at our university. It takes pioneers to make these kinds of developments happen. One such pioneer was Walter Gander, who shared his experiences back in the day of the emails and websites with us for this article. 


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IT Training Lab – «IT vocational training at ETH» – pimped up, Episode 2

This is the second part of the ITS retrospective. Not yet read the first part? Click here.


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IT Training Lab – «IT vocational training at ETH» – pimped up, Episode 1

ETH is an important pillar in IT education in Switzerland. Every year, about seven out of 170 trainees enter a career in modern technology. Training at ETH is highly regarded and its graduates are excellently educated. But to whom or what is ETH’s success due?


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Cyber Risks in Times of the Coronavirus

In corona times, we do not only have to protect ourselves from COVID-19: Especially in this phase, cyber attacks and viruses on the computer have an easier game. So watch out, washing your hands is not sufficient!


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From 0 to 100 in two weeks – ETH Zürich, Covid-19 and Zoom

On 16 March 2020, ETH Zurich was switched over to emergency operation. The school was extensively closed to students, lecturers, researchers and staff. As a result, all lectures were switched to remote teaching in no time at all, a great challenge for all those involved. ITS Multimedia Services (ITS-MMS) has made its contribution to mastering this challenge.


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The interactive CS3 World Map of Young’n’Rising

The sixth CS3 conference took place in January 2020, this year at DeiC (Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation) in Copenhagen. System Services (ITS SD) of IT Services at ETH Zurich are part of this community. For this occasion, Tilo Steiger of System Services has commissioned the IT learning company «Young’n’Rising» to provide the conference an interactive world map on which site reports about cloud storage can be entered.


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Awareness in Research Data Management

All universities deal intensively with the topic of IT security and people’s awareness. One of the campaigns running at ETH is the PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. campaign. Let’s take a look at the EPFL library in Lausanne and their solution for IT security awareness.


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ETH Programs of Informatiktage cancelled

For almost a year, preparations at IT Services and D-INFK of ETH Zürich have been running at full speed: From March 23 to 28, we had the Informatiktage 2020 coming up. They have now been cancelled due to the current development of corona virus COVID-19 and the instructions of the Swiss Federal Office for Health. 


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