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Making-of Newsletter inside|out No. 22

«Find out what’s going on in terms of IT at ETH Zurich»: The 22nd issue of inside|out newsletter is online.

Symbolic icons for the articles in the current newsletter inside|out No. 22
Symbolic icons for the articles in the current newsletter inside|out No. 22

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Update: Virtual events at ETH

Services department and ITS MMS have now established a cooperation announced in May (German only) to support virtual events for members of ETH: Starting point to any request is a form to gather basic information about the event, passing it through to the service providers in charge.


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New Forms of ETH Collaboration

The newly concluded Microsoft contract for ETH Zurich includes additional cloud-based products and thus also technical innovations. New features in the area of collaboration complement the already familiar product range and support the ETH on its way to digitalisation.


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ETH Emergency Operations with Zoom

The figures are impressive proof of this: with up to 45,000 weekly meetings, Zoom was ETH Zurich’s communications backbone in the spring semester of 2020. From the Executive Board’s townhalls, lectures and job interviews to team meetings and examination supervision: Zoom has proven its worth in almost all academic situations.


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IT Women at ETH join forces

The IT Services women staff have established a network aimed at all women* working in IT Services and IT at ETH Zurich and in ETH-related areas.


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SwissCovid App

Insight into the pilot phase from the IT Services.

The Swiss Proximity Tracing app has been available for download to all interested users since Thursday, 25 June, 2020.


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ETH online Examination Rooms «Corona-ready»

Work at ETH starts in defined steps after running in emergency mode. This also applies to the online examinations. After long and in-depth discussions, it was clear – at everyone’s request – that the session examinations should take place with all of the expected restrictions due to the corona crisis.


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ETH Zurich Business Numbers (fixed and mobile Network): Changes

The use of value-added services will be blocked on the ETH Zurich business numbers (fixed and mobile network) from Monday, 29 June 2020. This adjustment affects all ETH employees.


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IT Services writes history

The IT services as they exist today have accompanied ETH Zurich for almost a fifth of its lifetime. A lot has changed during this time. The IT Services have grown considerably and been given many new tasks. We are keeping a record of the history of ETH and its IT Services, for us and future interested people to browse through and dive into.


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