Kategorie: News

Four-day course in «Parallel Programming with MPI/OpenMP”

For the second time, the four-day course Parallel Programming with MPI/OpenMP, organised by Thomas Wüst (ITS SIS), was met with great interest in August 2017. 57 participants from 12 different ETH departments (D-BAUG, D-BSSE, D-CHAB, D-ERDW, D-GESS, D-HEST, D-ITET, D-MATH, D-MATL, D-MAVT, D-PHYS and D-USYS) and one technology platform (NEXUS), other Swiss and foreign universities and research institutes (including Harvard University and the Paul Scherrer Institute) as well as private companies (Disney Research and Infineon) took part in this year’s course. Weiterlesen

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Responsive Design for the ETH Website

An ever increasing number of mobile devices are being used to surf the internet. And we wish to support this development at ETH Zurich. IT Services and Corporate Communications have carried out a joint project, that makes the websites on our Web Content Managment System responsive.


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Meet ETH Scientific IT Services

ETH Scientific IT Services (ITS SIS) will hold two information events in November. These events will give an overview of how SIS supports modern research through the provision of scientific computing services such as computing clusters, data management and software development. Weiterlesen

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Research Collection: ETH Zurich’s new publishing platform

Research Collection is the new publishing platform for ETH Zurich and comprises the university’s entire research output. It provides the staff at ETH Zurich with a single point of access for them to document, publish, and archive their scientific findings.


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Have a great start at ETH

The IT Services warmly welcomes all first semester students and re-entrants! Today on Monday the fall semester at ETH Zurich begins with 3016 incoming freshmen students. More than 20,000 students and doctoral students are enrolled for the new semester. Weiterlesen

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Unravelling the Blockchain

Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain technology have experienced an enormous boom recently. More and more online providers are accepting bitcoins as a payment method, and new blockchain-based applications are continually appearing. Nonetheless, there are still several riddles and myths about this new technology.
It’s time for an explanation: The blockchain is a distributed database that stores your information in immutable data records.
What does that mean, exactly? How can that work? Weiterlesen

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Building Management solution «Provis» introduced

The new application «Provis», which will be used to manage the building projects of the Real Estate department, was launched on 22 August. The functions of this application will support users with the development and financial management of building projects as well as with controlling activities.


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Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology 2017 conference in Prague

The conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) is the biggest annual forum for bioinformatics and IT related to life sciences. Every second year the conference is held in Europe and combined with European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB). This year ISMB/ECCB location was Prague. Over 2000 participants flocked the Prague Conference Centre near the Vysehrad castle between the 21-25 of July. Weiterlesen

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Cooperation between ITS Multimedia Services and the ETH-Bibliothek

Multimedia Services is supporting the ETH-Bibliothek with the implementation of its video strategy and helping it to sharpen its profile in social media.


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Making-of: inside|out newsletter no. 13

IT news at ETH Zurich – «Find out what’s going on in terms of IT at ETH Zurich»: the 13th inside|out newsletter is online

Collage inside|out Nr.13


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