Kategorie: News

SREcon Europe/Middle East/Africa 2018

SRECon is a world wide conference that brings together system, production and software engineers to talk about SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) culture, system engineering, and complex distributed systems at scale. The conference happens in US and Europe but in different time of the year. Since last year SRECon Europe encompass Europe, middle east and Africa. This year the SRECon EMEA was hosted in Dusseldorf, Germany. Weiterlesen

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New tariffs for ITS Multimedia Services

Starting this fall semester, new tariffs apply for services provided with costs by ITS Multimedia Services.

Tariffs for services involving costs provided by ITS MMS remain stable with an hourly rate of 50.- CHF for simple tasks and 75.- CHF for challenging work. A couple of other changes will result in a reduction of costs for our customers, however: Regular tariffs will be charged from 6am to 8pm (compared to 8am to 6pm) which is beneficial to early evening event recordings in particular. Additionally, hourly rates from 8pm to 6am will be reduced (75.- and 100.- CHF/h instead of 100.- and 125.- CHF/h). Finally, event recordings will also benefit from a new production unit for mobile recordings. Weiterlesen

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From a single source ­– cheaper event recordings through a new production system

For five years, Multimedia Services› mobile HD production unit has been enabling the reliable recording of conferences, events and lectures in (almost) every room of the ETH and, on request, even outside of it. More than 2,000 videos from more than 500 events have been produced since then, ranging from multi-day conferences to individual evening lectures. As with all technical devices, after five years at the latest the time has come to invest in a replacement. With an output format of 720p (these days, 1080p, known as «Full HD», is customary), there was reason enough to replace the current production system, especially since a larger car and significant effort is required to transport it. Weiterlesen

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New ETH Research Data Hub Service

As part of our on-going commitment to research data management, ETH IT Services are pleased to announce that the new ETH Research Data Hub (ETH-RDH) service will be available from September 2018.

ETH-RDH is a versatile data management solution specially designed for ETH research groups working in quantitative scientific disciplines. It is based on the powerful and well-established openBIS platform, developed by ETH Scientific IT Services (https://sis.id.ethz.ch).

ETH-RDH allows scientists to document and annotate their research data from initial acquisition onwards, as well as to create inventories of materials and protocols, thereby facilitating knowledge sharing and transfer within the research group.

ETH-RDH also enables sharing with collaborators, well suited to modern research projects that often involve researchers across different groups. The first 100GB of storage in ETH-RDH is free of charge for each ETH research group, additional storage beyond that will be priced competitively. Weiterlesen

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Machine learning for IT Services

With machine learning IT becomes suitable for everyday use. IT used to be defined by deterministic processes and procedures, but machine learning allows large amounts of unstructured data to be processed. In other words: The data that arises in everyday life no longer has to be specially prepared, but instead can be fed directly into an IT process. Weiterlesen

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Making of: inside|out newsletter no. 16

IT news at ETH Zurich – «Find out what’s going on in terms of IT at ETH Zurich»: the 16th inside|out newsletter is online.

There is a lot happening before the newsletter can be sent out. Weiterlesen

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«Praxis D-MAVT» web application

«Praxis D-MAVT» was put into production by ITS Software Services at the end of May 2018.
Students of the D-MAVT department must complete 25-days of workshop practice in the bachelor’s programme and 60-days of industry practice in the master’s programme. Weiterlesen

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New Mailserver Version (mail.ethz.ch)

On Wednesday June 6, 2018, IT Services activated a new version of the mail server (mail.ethz.ch).


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Impressions from the Cybersecurity Forum in Singapore

International research universities have launched a cybersecurity forum in Singapore. Visit of ETH Zurich & impressions of Dr. Rui Brandao in the ETH-Blog. Weiterlesen

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