Kategorie: News

GA4GH and ASHG conferences

Global lessons for our personalised medicine projects – GA4GH and ASHG conferences

At the end of last year have started several projects within the two major programmes: national one:

  • Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) and
  • ETH-based: Personalized Health Research Technologies (PHRT)

They aim into finding novel solutions and at the same time applying in the clinical  practice the principles of personalized (called also «precision») medicine. The programmes need state-of-the art IT infrastructures and providing them is the goal of the BioMedIT alliance.

Scientific IT Services takes part in several SPHN and PHRT projects and is one of the driving forces of the BioMedIT. We provide the computing infrastructure (LeonhardMed), data management solutions (openBIS), we also help and collaborate on data transfer between hospitals and academia, data analysis and security. Thus, SIS needs to actively follow the current status of knowledge and technological developments in the «hot topics» between the IT and precision medicine applications. Simply because it is largely driven by new achievements in IT, in particular in the areas such as systems security, big data, deep learning or novel collaborative methodologies. Weiterlesen

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Making of: inside|out newsletter no. 17

IT news at ETH Zurich – «Find out what’s going on in terms of IT at ETH Zurich»: the 17th inside|out newsletter is online.

This is what the result looks like, but there was a long way to go. Weiterlesen

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polybox – you can now collaborate when working on documents

polybox is the established cloud storage service used by ETH Zurich. It now also enables synchronous (or asynchronous) online collaboration for all ETH members. In addition to the usual online storage and sharing of documents, it is now also possible to edit documents together in the web browser.

The trigger for the new functionalities was the demand from the Educational Development and Technology department (LET). LET wanted to offer students an opportunity to collaborate online. After a successful proof of concept phase (polyboxEdu), the online office functionalities are now permanently available on polybox. Weiterlesen

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Video conferencing: Do it yourself. But better.

ITS Multimedia Services has been offering video conferencing in specially equipped and supervised rooms for many years. These rooms are located both at the «Zentrum» (HG, LEE) and «Hönggerberg» (HCI, HIT) sites. A high-quality service that is used very actively.

However, video conferencing at the workplace is of great importance especially in the scientific community because it can be carried out more quickly and spontaneously. The laptop- and desktop-oriented «do-it-yourself video conferencing» is being used extensively as well. It requires participants to use their own laptops or desktop PCs with integrated or external cameras and microphones and individual software at a workstation or in a conference room. Weiterlesen

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PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. – Protect your Devices

The new IT security campaign has started – «Protect your Devices» with the focus on «Prevent theft – reduce losses».

Photos, final theses, e-banking – mobile work anywhere, anytime has long since become an everyday occurrence. With this in mind, most users own several devices: a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop. Protecting these devices against theft and unauthorised access is worthwhile, because insecure devices also put your data at risk. Information security starts with the end device. PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. Weiterlesen

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Live streaming – professional or «do it yourself»

The demand for «live streaming» events has noticeably increased in recent years. Multimedia Services have therefore updated the service and the underlying technologies accordingly, and offer different solutions to meet different customer needs. Weiterlesen

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Certification according to the ISO standards 20000-1 and 27001

IT Services has now been officially recertified according to ISO/IEC 20000-1 and ISO/IEC 27001.
The last recertification took place in June 2018. The next regular recertification will be due in mid-2021. Weiterlesen

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Search portal of the ETH Library extended to include the contents of the video portal

The video portal of the ETH is now also searchable via the search portal of the ETH Library, enlarging it by approx. 17,000 videos.

The video portal with the 17,000 recordings published there reflects a significant part of the scientific activities at ETH Zurich, ranging from recordings of inaugural and farewell lectures dating back to the nineteen seventies and current lecture videos to prominent individual lectures. Making this knowledge accessible, has always been a primary concern of the multimedia services of the ITS, as has ensuring the searchability of the recorded content with the aid of a usage-based system and the time-consuming allocation of metadata, as well as efforts to make recordings freely accessible (at the discretion of the authors) in the sense of «open access». Weiterlesen

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Autumn Semester 2018: Good start at ETH Zurich

The IT Services warmly welcomes all first semester students and re-entrants! Today on Monday the fall semester at ETH Zurich begins with 4,500 new Bachelor’s and Master’s students. More than 21,000 students and doctoral students are enrolled for the new semester. A new record.

IT Services

The IT Services offers all enrolled students, auditors and graduate students basic ICT services free of charge. More about our services, suggestions and links can be found in our “ITS Brochure for Students” and on the ETH Student portal.
The most common problems and questions are briefly explained in the «FAQ for Students«. Weiterlesen

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