Kategorie: News

Discovering Computer Science at the ETH

On the 11th march it was that time of year again – the ETH Hönggerberg opened its doors for 2 days to bring school classes closer to computer science and to show them impressions from the everyday life of a student at the ETH Zurich. And it was a huge success!


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Python Programmers in Kampala

For my professional training I prefer to attend software developer conferences, and among these the EuroPython conference has grown close to my heart. What sets this conference apart is the fact that it is community-driven and therefore offers a range of presentations and events rarely seen at more commercial developer conferences. I remember a keynote from the EuroPython Conference 2017, in which the speaker from Nigeria talked about the lively Python developer scene in sub-Saharan countries. I learned from this keynote that Django Girls courses have been organized in several countries (Django is a Python-based web framework) and national Python conferences have been held in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Nigeria.


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PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK. – Keep Intruders out

The 11th IT security campaign has started, focusing on how to keep intruders out.

Everyday life without IT devices is hard to imagine these days. They simplify our lives and accompany us almost everywhere. Unknowingly we give away more about our identity when we use these devices carelessly. Research data, hobbies, date of birth, interests, shopping behaviour or credit card numbers: Do you know what data is stored on your devices, and who has access to that data? With these tips, you can protect yourself against intruders.


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Interview with Dordaneh Arangeh, Head of IT Procurement and Portfolio

“Moving ahead with full innovative power!” Title story of the magazine “Die Wirtschaftsfrau” / die-wirtschaftsfrau.ch | from 22/01/2019

Dordaneh Arangeh, Head of IT Procurement & Portfolio (ITS PPF) discussed and provided answers in an interview with the magazine “Die Wirtschaftsfrau” [“The Businesswoman”]. Quote from the editors: “Her career path reflects her unique personality. She made her way to the very top with a large helping of endurance”.

"Die Wirtschaftsfrau" issue No. 7 / 2019
«Die Wirtschaftsfrau» issue No. 7 / 2019

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Migration to SharePoint 2016 completed

Last weekend (16th-17th February), after long planning and several test phases, we have successfully migrated more than 270 Site Collections with over 1TB content, from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016. And we made it all in one go!


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Leonhard Med: Secure Scientific Platform for Confidential Data

A secure, powerful and versatile IT infrastructure for research on confidential data at ETH Zurich

Providing IT solutions for scientific research on confidential data (e.g. human biomedical data) is a considerable challenge. This is because it requires fulfilling three main criteria that span a wide area of expertise, and that are difficult to achieve simultaneously:

  1. security and compliance
  2. flexibility and ease of use and
  3. scalability and performance

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ITS Service Desk News

For the first time, the ITS Service Desk opens a temporary Pop-Up Desk at Hönggerberg at the start of the semester and can generally be reached earlier by phone.


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Introduction of the events calendar version 2018.1

In collaboration with the Services department, ITS SWS is working on implementing a new version of the events calendar of ETH Zurich. From the client’s point of view, the aim is to rebuild all components of the overall system using modern design methods while considering the highest standards when it comes to user-friendliness. This goal is to be achieved in three stages over three years, the first of which was devoted primarily to the presentation of the events in AEM (ETH website) and on information screens, which were successfully launched on 13 December, 2018. Weiterlesen

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Introductory and farewell lectures digitised

Introductory and farewell lectures: Digitisation of historic content completed.

After more than five years, Multimedia Services have recently completed the project for digitising the analogue and «semi-digital» (digital data on analogue tape) recordings of inaugural and farewell lectures for the ETH library: The project, which started with the establishment of a «digitisation station» for VHS, DV and DAT tapes had to struggle with synchronisation problems initially and the lack of labor ressources at the later stages, which had to be put on ice for the migration of the video management system, and which also had to overcome hurdles due to licensing law, can now finally be viewed at http://www.video.ethz.ch/speakers/lecture.html: A complete collection of introductory and farewell lectures recorded at ETH Zurich. Weiterlesen

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