Kategorie: News

Educational spaces: Learning at and from the TU Delft

Learning or Educational spaces are spaces in the academic context that are specially equipped for teaching and learning.

At the ETH Zurich there are currently 71 lecture halls and 121 seminar rooms, which are technically equipped by Multimedia Services. A visit by colleagues from TU Delft revealed that conceptual and organisational improvements are needed in this area in order to meet the changing demands of teachers and students.


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New: Chatbot at ITS Service Desk

Test our new chatbot and train him.
Customers often confront the ITS Service Desk with the same requests or problems. Many of the questions can be answered with specific text modules or instructions. These instructions are available on the web, but are rarely found. The chatbot of the Service Desk should provide an interface to deliver only that part of a manual which is relevant for the customer.

pilot mode chatbot
pilot mode chatbot

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Tip: Private Appointments in Outlook (Exchange)

A lot of people try to protect the content of their appointments by marking them as «Private». Be careful, though, if rights have been assigned to a calendar. Individual clients ignore privately marked appointments.


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Wi-Fi Change: a field report

Several hundred blue flyers and printed apples and bananas were distributed at ETH Zurich between March and the end of November 2018.

So who was behind it all? IT Services.


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Christian Hallqvist celebrates 25 years with ETH

Congratulations to Christian Hallqvist, ITS employee with ITS Network Security, ICT Networks


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New IT security website online

A working group of the IT security delegates has completely revised the security information for IT Services. The simplicity of the website is deceptive. To put it simply: Nothing about this website has been left to chance.

What has been replaced on the Website?

Up until now, when an ETH member searched for information about IT security in the search field on the ETH website, the results were, shall we say, lacking. There was a page for IT Services online but the content was randomly selected and disorganised. As a result, the site was not able to fill the need for reliable information.


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Making of: inside|out newsletter no. 18

IT news at ETH Zurich – «Find out what’s going on in terms of IT at ETH Zurich»: the 18th inside|out newsletter is online.

The topics of the current newsletter

The first newsletter this year is online.


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IT Finds: What do you associate this with?

Join us on a journey into the past: When was this object built and what do you personally associate with it? Do you want to tell us your story?


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How to detect phishing mails

Emails are a practical and useful means of communication. However, they are often used by fraudsters to steal confidential data such as passwords or bank information. These so-called phishing emails pose a real risk. Not all of them can be automatically detected and stopped by technical email filters. This also means that phishing emails cannot be prevented from appearing in your mailboxes now and again.


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A look behind the IT scenes at refine

ETH Zurich’s new resources and financial platform was successfully put into production on 9 January 2019.

refine = renewing the REsources and FINance platform of ETH Zurich

This important step marks the achievement of the refine project’s most important milestone. This success has, of course, been achieved thanks to effort of everyone involved. Congratulations to the more than 100 people in many ETH organisational units and several external specialists. For IT Services, it was the areas of basic technologies, development and porting of existing products, data migration and process design. This post will elaborate on the roll of IT Services.


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