Kategorie: News

Introduction to openBIS 20.10.0 RC Webinar

We would like to invite you to a webinar where we will introduce the major new features of the latest openBIS release. You will also have the chance to talk and ask questions to our openBIS developers. The webinar will take place on Thursday 12.11.2020 at 14:00-15:30.


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How time flies – A review of the innovation that made punch cards a thing of the past at ETH

Back in the day, myStudies, eDoz and other electronic applications were still unimaginable…. and ETH staff and students had neither a user name nor a login.


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Welcome to ETH, new students!

ITS wishes all 4,700 new Bachelor’s and Master’s students and re-entrants a good start into the autumn semester 2020. Each and every one of you will come across us during your studies in one way or another.


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Video Recording Leonhard Med Info Event

The Scientific IT Services of ETH Zurich and LOOP have offered an info event for principal investigators and other potential applicants who are preparing research proposals for the current LOOP call


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IT in ETH emergency operation

In an interview with ETH Zurich, Rui Brandao, Director of ETH IT Services, talks about his experiences in emergency operation: rapid action with the cloud solutions such as Zoom & Teams to master the lockdown, support for ETH Zurich staff working at remote working at home, and the suddenly acquired flexibility in working.


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Apprenticeship Diploma: Graduation for ITS Trainees, Class of 2020

Congratulations are in order for the ITS trainees! Bryan, Michel, Miljam, Mike, Steven and Joel have completed the exams and final assignments as well as the courses at ETH Zurich and with IT Services.


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Young ’n› Rising: a Success Story

ETH News reports on the pilot project «Young ’n› Rising: education with a reality check». Congratulations are in order!


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Update: Virtual events at ETH

Services department and ITS MMS have now established a cooperation announced in May (German only) to support virtual events for members of ETH: Starting point to any request is a form to gather basic information about the event, passing it through to the service providers in charge.


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New Forms of ETH Collaboration

The newly concluded Microsoft contract for ETH Zurich includes additional cloud-based products and thus also technical innovations. New features in the area of collaboration complement the already familiar product range and support the ETH on its way to digitalisation.


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ETH Emergency Operations with Zoom

The figures are impressive proof of this: with up to 45,000 weekly meetings, Zoom was ETH Zurich’s communications backbone in the spring semester of 2020. From the Executive Board’s townhalls, lectures and job interviews to team meetings and examination supervision: Zoom has proven its worth in almost all academic situations.


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