Autor: Minda Rubinfeld

Lunchtime Meeting: Away from Research to Housing

The most recent Lunch Meeting was a move away from research to the world of property rentals. Weiterlesen

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«Gut Feeling» with Kontakt über Mittag / Lunchtime Meeting

The ETH-Newsletter runs an article under the title “How the gut feeling shapes fear».  “Lunchtime Meeting” decides to find out more about the gut-brain connection. Members of the IT Services got the chance to visit the institute in Schwerzenbach, a new building for us, and to get to know our “customers” a bit better. Weiterlesen

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Zürich Meets New York

The ETH Zurich appearance in the USA at the “Zürich meets New York” festival in May was supported by the ITS Multimedia Services Production & Distribution (ID MMS PD). Weiterlesen

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ITS and ISO Certification

ETH was the first Swiss university (2009) to have its IT Services recertified according to ISO/IEC 9001 and newly certified according to ISO/IEC 20000-1. Weiterlesen

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