Embedding safeIT Cartoons

All safeIT cartoons are available via the new videoportal. Please help us to increase security at ETH and embed the cartoons in your ETH website.



safeIT is a campaign for all ETH Zurich employees and students. It is intended to increase awareness of security when using and dealing with IT resources.

The videos are now available via the videoportal and in CQ5/AEM. Details on how best to integrate them into the CQ5/AEM website can be found in the Explanation > Search term: safeit.

  1. Adhere to applicable rules
  2. Avoid the misuse of systems and passwords
  3. Think and act with foresight
  4. Handle information and systems with care
  5. Use only legally obtained (licensed) products
  6. Use email and Internet cautiously
  7. Report incidents immediately


  • safeIT on the videoportal
  • Explanation on how to embed them in your own ETH-CQ5/AEM website (page Video > Special Components) > Search term: safeit
  • safeIT awareness campaign (Homepage)
  • New safeIT brochures (ID-Blog)
  • Current safeIT cartoons / Cartoon No. 6 (ITS Blog)


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