CRM in daily use

Since summer 2015 the CRM contract- and supplier-management tool is in daily use @ITS PPF.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need information about a contract!

Most of the original contracts that were available have been processed, now we are progressing with the contracts in the purchase order archive from 2013 and earlier. Additionally we have to check about 6’8 Gbytes/ 24 thousand files. Our priority is given by the processing of the purchase order archive. We put only data in the system that contributes to show the history of an ongoing contract or is in relation with the five years view of the procurement volume as stated in the rules of public procurement (WTO)

We are now able to inform you about the status or content of a contract or the necessity to terminate or extend one contract. Condition for this service is that we know about the contract and we have it recorded in CRM.

Original Contracts

If you have an original contract in your drawer, sent it to us.


Jürg Häubi, Group Manager Order & Contract Management, ITS IT Procurement & Portfolio (ITS PPF)

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