Network IT-Women@ETH on the “SI Stage”

IT women: Curtain up – clear the stage: The Swiss Informatics Society wants to bring more young women into IT and gives IT women a face and offers them a “stage”.

Faces & professions of female IT experts

Women from the ETH network IT-Women@ETH are also taking part and giving insights into their lives and IT background. Similar to the Informatiktage 2021 programme “Faces in IT and their paths” («Gesichter in der IT und ihre Wege»), IT women from ETH and the ETH Domain will talk about their careers, their education and training and their work at ETH Zurich (Review Informatiktage).

IT women involved in the Informatiktage programme

  • NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies, ETH Zurich
  • ITS NET ITS Datennetz, ITS ICT-Networks, ETH IT Services
  • ITS MMS, Multimedia Services & Vocational training Mediamatics, ETH IT Services
  • Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich
  • ITS BD Messaging, ETH IT Services
  • ETH Real Estate Management

Swiss Informatics Society

“The Swiss Informatics Society (SI) is a Swiss organisation of scientists and specialists in the field of informatics. The society was founded in 1983 by Carl August Zehnder, Kurt Bauknecht and Pierre-André Bobillier when the first graduates in computer science were graduating. (Wikipedia, in German)»

“The IT world has been a man’s world for many years. Of around 200,000 people in IT, only about 15% are women. And they are hardly to be found in the middle and upper management positions of universities and companies. But more and more young women are discovering their talents for IT and have the desire and fire to develop them. SI would like to encourage them to take this path and show them that there are women who enjoy working in IT and getting ahead. (SI)»

ETH network IT-Women@ETH

The IT-Women@ETH network is an initiative of the women of the IT Services. It is aimed at all women who are involved in IT at ETH and in ETH-related areas. It is the first female network at ETH that is aimed at women working in IT and not at students or professors and lecturers.

IT-Women@ETH has been asked whether women from the network would also participate on the SI stage.

The first 11 interviews are now published on the SI website and Facebook page. The IT women talk openly about their enjoyment of IT, their career paths and difficulties, and of course about their balancing act between children and career.

Women from our network also have their say in the interviews

From June to December 2021, more interviews will be published on this stage on an ongoing basis. Other IT women can also participate.

Core thoughts of the interviewed IT women in German & English

  • „Informatik ist kommunikativ, kreativ und hilft die Zukunft zu gestalten. Hilf mit und engagiere Dich in einem der vielen Informatikbereiche.“
  • “May your curiosity be stronger than your fears. I believe no human being is fearless, and no life choice is easy. But passion and grit can lead your way through it all.”
  • „Informatik ist extrem vielseitig, stiftet grossen Nutzen und macht wahnsinnig viel Spass.“
  • „Die spannendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten befinden sich meist nicht neben dem Bahnhof. Orientiert euch und geht auch in eine Richtung, die nicht jeder auf seinem Stadtplan angezeigt bekommt.“
  • „Informatik ist mehr als 0 und 1, es ist die Grundlage für trendige Produkte und Dienstleistungen im heutigen Alltag, in welchen du deine Ideen einfliessen lassen kannst. Dabei ist die Zusammenarbeit und die Kommunikation in einem Team von essentieller Wichtigkeit. Und gerade hier bist du als Frau gerade richtig!“
  • „Stelle Dir vor, wie Du Dich in Zukunft fühlst, wenn Du am Morgen aufstehen und Dir den Arbeitstag vorstellst. Fühlt es sich zäh an? Lass die Finger davon, denn Du wirst vermutlich viele Jahre mit diesem zähen Gefühl verbringen müssen. Fühlt es sich motivierend an? Dann könnte es etwas für Dich sein.“
  • „Informatik ist so ein grosser Bereich, da ist für jede und jeden etwas dabei.“
  • „Die IT ist vielfältig, interdisziplinär und bietet viele Berufsmöglichkeiten.“
  • “Choose what makes you excited and challenges you. You can make the difference!”
  • „Einfach machen“
  • “You are in charge of designing your life. Your circumstances are your raw materials. They will to an extent impact the path you take. Some of them can be controlled or influenced. Others are like gravity – they are a given that you can’t eliminate, but you can use to your advantage.”


Sabine Hoffmann, Initiator & Enabler IT-Women@ETH / ITS Directorate, PR & Communication, IT Services

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