2019 Customer Survey – Results online

A customer survey was carried out before the summer holidays to determine how satisfied ETH members are with the services provided by IT Services.

To obtain comparable results with the 2015 survey and be able to identify changes more easily, this survey was once again conducted by the Institute for Work Research and Organizational Consultancy (iafob). Most of the questions were similar to those in 2015. In the survey, four different customer groups were distinguished:

  • ITS S4D (employees supported by ITS S4D)
  • ZO (employees of the central bodies)
  • STUD (students) and
  • DEP (staff and doctoral students in the departments)

A total of 36,288 ETH members were contacted, and 3416 or 9.4% participated in the customer survey.

iafob Evaluation

The evaluation carried out by iafob shows that IT Services are viewed as friendly and competent. Reliability, customer orientation and responsiveness are also confirmed, albeit to a lesser extent. The comparison based on customer groups shows that the respondents from ITS S4D and ZO have a more positive image of IT Services than the respondents from the customer groups STUD and DEP. Overall, satisfaction with the available services is high. 75% of the respondents are satisfied with the services provided by IT Services. Only 7% are dissatisfied or somewhat dissatisfied. 37% of the respondents cannot assess whether IT Services have improved in recent years. However, those who gave an answer agree that IT Services have improved.

Executive Management Meeting

The results of the customer survey were discussed during the closed-door meeting of ITS executive management. Fields of action and measures for improvement were identified and their implementation is now being tackled in the various sections.

Figures and Charts

Specific figures and many more details on the results of the customer survey 2019 can be found on the IT Services Website.


Text and Contact

Peter Kessler, customer survey project management, ITS PPF

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