Pilot: New loudspeakers for lecture halls

Using a shootout* event, ITS Multimedia Services tested various current solutions for sound reinforcement in auditoriums.

A visualisation of the system shootout
Speaker system shootout

Various systems (line arrays, line speakers, a colinear system and a system for wave field synthesis) were installed in an auditorium and tested under lecture conditions. Improvements to the sound reinforcement in the auditoriums, whose 10-15-year-old speakers are in need of renewal, have been made possible and worthwhile due to technical progress. The chosen solution is the colinear Syva from L-Acoustics; this will be tested more thoroughly in three auditoriums starting in the autumn semester and, if these tests are successful, will be successively installed in all of ETH’s auditoriums.

* In the context of A/V equipment, a “shootout” is the direct comparison of technical systems to assess their quality under conditions that are as realistic as possible. Examples include a projector shootout or the comparison of monitors.


Thomas Rechsteiner, Group Manager Infrastructure and Support,

IT Services

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