New Guidelines for Research Data Management at ETH Zurich

The IT Services of ETH Zurich support researchers in implementing the guidelines with a range of innovative services.

Professional research data management represents an important basis for outstanding, cutting-edge research as well as an integral part of good scientific practice. The Executive Board of ETH Zurich has now therefore adopted the Guidelines for Research Data Management for the first time, which complement the existing Guidelines for Scientific Integrity. The new guidelines include information on the creation of data management plans, the description and secure storage of research data, the publication of data records in repositories, and the long-term archiving or deletion of data. Furthermore, the guidelines also refer to the professional management of software and code. The IT Services of ETH Zurich support researchers in implementing the guidelines with a range of innovative services, such as professional storage solutions, GitLab version control for code as well as the Research Data Hub and Research Data Node offers for the professional management of research data.


  • News from the Executive Board 2022 / 6 (Internal News)
  • New guidelines for research data: how the ETH Library supports you (ETH News)


  • Dr Bernd Rinn, Head of Scientific IT Services (ITS SIS)
  • Dr Thomas Wüst, Group Manager Computational and Data Science Support (ITS SIS)

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