Is your communication data up to date?

All ETH Zurich employees have the option to maintain their address and, in particular, their own telephone number(s), themselves at Many people actively use this option. Unfortunately, it happens time and again that employees cannot be reached by phone or are looked for in the wrong building because the address data has not been updated.

We consider keeping phone numbers up-to-date to be very important, as they are used as a source for various services.

  • In the event of a fire alarm, or an evacuation
  • Calls that come through the switchboard cannot be put through to you if the number is missing or incorrectly entered. At least one dialable and correct telephone number must be stored for the switchboard.

We would therefore like to ask all ETH Zurich employees to check their telephone numbers and address(es) and to change them if necessary. The phone number provided must be a listed number that can be dialled and should ideally be entered in the international format (unique phone number).

  • Example of a correct phone number entry: +41446312345 or 0041446312345:
  • With the exception of the preceding “plus” symbol, the telephone number should only include digits.
  • For example, if you have the Swiss phone number 044 63 123 45, the phone number should be entered as follows: +41446312345

Therefore, please check your address data and telephone number(s) from time to time to make sure they are correct. Once again, maintaining address data is very important for your safety and accessibility. We would therefore like to thank you in advance for checking this information.

Address application

Please check

  • Mobile/Emergency (Tab “Personal and Communication Data”)
    Please enter the mobile phone number here only and not a landline phone number.
  • Entries for “Telephone, Alternative tel., Admin. Assistance tel. and External Phone” (Tab “Addresses”).


INFRA Voice Networks Team of the IT Services of ETH Zurich

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