Making of Newsletter inside|out No. 25 / Subscribe to IT News
“Find out what’s going on in terms of IT at ETH Zurich”: The 25th issue of inside|out newsletter is online.

Organization before the shoot
Normally every inside|out newsletter is different. This issue, as well as the last two, were the same to the extent that we still couldn’t do a photo shoot with ITS staff because of Corona:
- We were almost 100% in home office, working remote
- A group shoot was out of the question
- Individual shoots, which were to be put together later, were unfortunately also out of the question because of the Corona measures. So our “set box”, as in inside|out no. 22, is still slumbering at the ETH carpenter’s workshop.

Topics of this issue
- alarmNet – new ETH radio network / alarm network
- Section Head ITS SWS: Successor
- Pay attention to email signatures / PKI certificate management
- Smart Working Training goes on
- ITS Services for Research and Teaching / IT Services for Departments
- 2021 Informatiktage review at ETH Zurich with ITS
- Launch & Start-up
- Web page Newsletter inside|out
Don’t miss future issues of the inside|out newsletter: On the following pages you can register for the German newsletter and/or the English newsletter.
Editorial & Contact
- Dr Rui Brandao, ITS Director
- Sabine Hoffmann, ITS Management, Head PR & Communications
- Gerhild Müller, ITS Management, Newsletter Service Owner
- Contact