New IT security website online

A working group of the IT security delegates has completely revised the security information for IT Services. The simplicity of the website is deceptive. To put it simply: Nothing about this website has been left to chance.

What has been replaced on the Website?

Up until now, when an ETH member searched for information about IT security in the search field on the ETH website, the results were, shall we say, lacking. There was a page for IT Services online but the content was randomly selected and disorganised. As a result, the site was not able to fill the need for reliable information.

New content: IT security at ETH Zurich

  • Currently: IT security articles on the ITS blog
  • Services
  • Contact and organisation
  • Current projects
  • Guidelines
  • Security awareness

How is an IT security site created?

It is easier to play an enjoyable game when you are standing before an empty chess board and can start by resetting the pieces. In our case, the chess board was overfilled and there were too many kings and rooks. It was too late to simply wipe the slate clean and start over since IT security was already en vogue.

Like any other group that has been newly thrown together, we first had to find ourselves and arrive at our topic. Once that is achieved, building can begin. We decided on the difficult path and built the website completely from an analytical and conceptual standpoint. Our starting position was the use case that we deemed to be the most important: ETH members should have a right to useful, competent and reliable information and be able to find it.

The satisfying path toward the goal

Against a backdrop of a service-oriented mentality, we generated many Excel lists with stakeholders, roles within IT security and topics that could be of interest to ETH. Again and again, through twists and wrong turns, we ended up down blind alleys, or on wild-goose chases. However, in retrospect we realised that the detour had allowed us to hone in on our goal and add new parameters to the overall picture. Ultimately, an image crystallised from the many project variables that we were all able to approve of. The result is now online and we hope that it is seen as a symbol for further improvements in the area of IT security.


Sarah Windler, IT security delegate for IT Services (ITS BD)

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