Discovering Computer Science at the ETH
On the 11th march it was that time of year again – the ETH Hönggerberg opened its doors for 2 days to bring school classes closer to computer science and to show them impressions from the everyday life of a student at the ETH Zurich. And it was a huge success!
Informatiktage 2019 Intermezzo
This year, in contrast to other years, the focus was on school classes. On Monday, one class came from Fehraltorf, a class of six graders, and the second one was a secondary class from the city of Zurich. Around 15 apprentices and helpers came together to introduce the pupils to the world of technology by means of a pre-programmed game and various workshops.

One-to-One Assistance
Everything went as planned. The participants were thrilled! What was the most reason for joy was the personal freedom to play a game at the end, which you had to reprogramme yourself, and the independence, which was encouraged by a precise instruction before they started so that they Need less help. The social interaction was successful as well. The classes were able to work in teams they chose by themselves and were supported by several helpers if needed. This part of the programme took until noon and at the end, the children were allowed to take their ersonalised games home on a stick.
Visiting the IT Lehrlabor
In the afternoon, the participants had the opportunity to visit the IT Lehrlabor, the place where every learner spends a year of his apprenticeship. In order to illustrate the tasks and knowledge of a future computer scientist, the helpers prepared 3 different workshops: Hacking and security, repairing a website and disassembling a computer. The topics were well chosen, the interest of the children was kindled. Everyone was able to attend several workshops and thus discover different facets of teaching and learn new skills.

After two long days, both classes were happy and captivated by the world of computer science. After the workshops, individual students approached the apprentices to learn more about their education. Therefore we reached our goal: to inspire young people for technology and our apprenticeships. Hurray!

IT Poetry Slam
The Informatiktage aren’t over yet. On the 15th of March at 20.00 there will be one last event, a poetry slam! Slam poets from Germany and Switzerland deal with our digital world: Fast poems, razor-sharp pamphlets and racy stories are waiting for all the Visitors. Would you like to be a part of this year’s Informatiktage? Join us! Click here for more information.
What are the Informatiktage?
The aim of the Informatiktage is to make the fascination of computer science tangible and to show the diversity of IT. The aim is to spark the fire for IT among the population and especially among the younger generation. The target groups are all people who want to learn more about information technology: Adults, children, teenagers, learners, students, graduates, people looking for a job, employees, parents, schools, teachers, grandparents and experts. The Information Days take place every year and everyone is very welcome!
Apprenticeships at the ETH
Informatiktage Intermezzo
- Event «Informatik insights» (ID-Programm)
- IT-Services:
- IT Lehrlabor of the ETH
- Official Homepage for the Informatiktage:
Contact IT-Services
- Sabine Hoffmann, PR & Kommunikation
- Text Kaja Walter, Praktikantin PR & Kommunikation
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