IAT – Information and alarm tool of SGU

ETH uses an information and alarm tool (IAT), which has been in use since last year.

The information and alarm tool (IAT), which is used at ETH, is based on the solution sikado from the company Dolphin Systems AG. The tool has been active since the last week of November 2015. It enables the operator in the alarm control centre to raise the alarm at the touch of a button and notify the affected persons in the event of an incident, such as the evacuation of a building on the main campus or the Hönggerberg site. Those using the building receive an email, a call to the fixed line number or an SMS to the mobile. This message includes information on the threat, the location and also the required behaviour or action. Furthermore, general (non-personal) telephones are contacted at the same time (e.g. in the auditoriums) in the affected buildings with the same message. The tool is also used to provide widescale alarms in the event of corresponding threats, during which all people associated with ETH are notified via the above-mentioned channels. Since 1 December 2016, the new function “exercise alarm” has been available. It enables SGU to trigger realistic “evacuation exercises”. The only difference to a “real” evacuation is the text “exercise alarm”, which precedes all notifications. What’s more, the “exercise alarm” will also enable ITS SWS to verify the end-to-end functionality of the IAT following release 1:1.

Two notices

  • In order to ensure you receive an SMS on your mobile phone, it is important that you enter and save your mobile phone number via the web application addresses.ethz.ch under Communication Data. The same procedure needs to be followed for your workplace details, which can be managed via the same web address. Ensure you therefore keep your office phone number and address up-to-date ‒ as its also important for your safety.
  • SGU has also produced two explanatory films, which briefly summarise how you should act in the event of an “incident”:
    Films “Behaviour in the event of an incident”

    • Procedure in the event of an evacuation
    • Procedure in the event of acts of violence on the campus


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