Customer Survey 2015

The results of the customer survey regarding the computing services of ETH Zurich and IT Services at ETH are now online.

  • The page ″Customer Survey 2015″ (German) includes selected diagrams from the report
  • The detailed results can be found in the PDF (German)


The customer survey was sent to all ETH employees and students at the end of 2015. The IT Services area of ETH Zurich performed the survey to identify needs and also the level of satisfaction with the services they provide. The opinions of ETH employees and students were and are important to us. Thanks to the replies, we will be able to further develop IT services in a more targeted manner.

The entry and analysis of the data was completed by the external Institute for Work Research and Organizational Consultancy in Zurich ( The survey was anonymous. Nobody from ETH had access to the completed questionnaires.

Thank you

Many thanks to all ETH employees and students for participating and providing their feedback and time.


If you need further information or have any questions, please contact Dordaneh Arangeh, Head ITS IT Procurement & Portfolio (ITS PPF).


(External translation service)

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