ETH Store conversion

ETH Merchandising Shop, Polybuchhandlung and SAB merge to form ETH Store with support from IT Services.

Anyone who’s studied at the “Poly campus” is familiar with SAB and Polybuchhandlung. These bookshops are venerable institutions located near the Polyterrasse cafeteria and on the Hönggerberg campus (where exotic architectural apparatuses decorate the store). The ETH merchandise store in the ML Building came later. Now, all three shops have merged into one umbrella brand: ETH Store. (ETH news: “Polybuchhandlung and SAB merge to form the ETH Store Cooperative”).

ITS Service Delivery

This year, the Managed Services group (ITS SDL) helped ensure the success of the merger, which was overseen by the Finance department. It focused on consolidating all the IT workstation environments, including cash registers, scanners and payment terminals. Business disruptions obviously had to be kept to a minimum. Once again, ITS impressed customers with its value-added services. It replaced the now-retired file server with a central ITS NAS and shifted the application server from physical hardware to the ITS’s ESX infrastructure. Complex bookshop software clients and ERP clients no longer have to be arduously manually installed, but are packaged and can be easily deployed via Baramundi with the push of a button.

Looking ahead

The new ETH Store is ready to tackle the challenges envisioned by the Executive Board in its greater awareness of the importance of the ETH brand: It has been rebuilt and reconfigured with secure, reliable and sustainable basic IT infrastructure provided by IT Services (ITS).

Text and contact

Reinhard Hess, Group Manager Managed Services, ITS Service Delivery (ITS SDL)


(External translation service)



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