Organizational FAQ

I forgot my password, what can I do?
The password for the blog service is the same as your nethz password. If you forgot your nethz password, please call the Service Desk, Telephone 044-632 77 77.

Who may create a blog?
All members (students and staff) of the ETH.

May non ETH members create a web log?
No, they can however participate as co-author. Prior registration as an ETH guest is necessary.

How many web logs may I create?
At present 2 web logs per person may be created.

How can I grant co-authors access to my web log?
A) The potential co-author is a member of the ETH Zurich:The designated co-author navigates in his/her nethz account to “meine services >> Blog” in order to register as a blog user. He/she does not necessarily have to create his/her own blog. As soon as he/she has registered as a blog user, he/she can be identified by way of their e-mail address by “Users>>Authors&Users>>Add User From Community”, and be invited to join the web log as author or editor.

B) The potential co-author is not a member of the ETH Zurich: In this case prior registration with the ETH is necessary in order to obtain a nethz account. Afterwards please proceed as described in A) above.

I am a student graduating next semester. What happens with my web log, once I’ve left the ETH?
As a member of the ETH Alumni, you can continue administering your web log by using your alumni logon data and e-mail address.

May I administer a private web log?

I belong to ETH Alumni. How can I create a web log?
To apply, please contact blog-support@id.ethz.ch.

I would like to open more than one blog, is that allowed?
Yes, simply use the nethz-Admin Tool, there can you create an additional web log.

Can you give me tips for naming my web log?
Name and sub-title of your web log, as well as categories and individual postings, constitute the character of your web log. Once this is clearly defined, you will easily find a readership that will be happy to actively participate in your blog by offering comments.

Technical FAQ

Which web log system am I using?
WordPressμ or WordPress MU, the multi user version of WordPress.

I discovered web log plugin XYZ and I miss ABC. Where can I send helpful suggestions?
Please submit to mailto:blog-funktionen@id.ethz.ch

I would like to see the WordPress user manual and other documents.

Under WordPress documentation you can see available documentations.

How much storage capacity for pictures, podcasts, video etc. do I have at my disposal?
The storage capacity currently available can be seen on the dashboard of your blog. Default setting is at 10Mb. Should this not be sufficient, please contact blog-support@id.ethz.ch.

I would like to provide my web log with a different theme (layout). How can that be done?
You can choose one of the existing themes in “presentation” on your web log.

Until now I managed my own web log on a WordPress server. Can I import the contents?
You will find an import tool for WordPress, MovableType and other web log systems at “manage” >> “import”. For more information on the subject see Importing Content in the WordPress documentation.

My web log is flooded with spam!
Please contact blog-support@id.ethz.ch immediately, so that we can solve the spam problem.

Legal FAQ

Are there user conditions for the ETH web log service?
Yes: The operators of the ETH web log services preserve the right to immediately delete contents or comments that,

  • are against the ETH Zurich Acceptable Use Policy for Telematics Resources (BOT) and the BOT leaflet.
  • use URLs and/or blog titles, from a higher ETH echelon. Examples for this: blogs.ethz.ch/eth…, blogs.ethz.ch/president…, blogs.ethz.ch/corporate…, etc.

Do the ETH Zurich Acceptable Use Policy for Telematics Resources (BOT) apply to (my) a web log?
Yes. Further information about BOT as well as various leaflets concerning regulation implementation can be found on the web pages of the legal department of the ETH Zurich.

Can an entire web log or part of it’s contents be blocked and/or deleted?
Blocking or deleting an entire web log or the contents thereof is done according to ETH Zurich Acceptable Use Policy for Telematics Resources (BOT). You can find these documents on the pages of the legal department of the ETH Zurich. In addition, certain user policies apply to this web log service.