Tag: Responsive Cities

Responsive Cities or Webcartography?

In May two new ETH-MOOCs will start. Please feel free to join these courses!


Responsive cities define the future of urbanization.

Learn how responsive citizens use smart technology to contribute to planning, design and management of their cities! “Responsive Cities is a self-paced course and will be open from the first of May 2018 till January 2019.


Want to produce cartographic visualizations to better communicate the results of your project or research? Or you are just interested in using modern web technologies for cartographic purposes?

Then Webcartography II is the course for you! Starts May 15.

Take the opportunity to communicate with learners from all over the world about webcartography or responsive cities! For more details about these two courses and other ETH-MOOCs: https://www.edx.org/school/ethx.

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