
Every time I have found a mistake in one of my books (or paper), I have had to repeat two or three times the well-known mantra The only way to not make mistakes in print is to not publish anything, before I could regain some composure. If the mistake was indicated by a reader, it is even worse. Of course, the problem often turns out to be mostly innocuous — e.g., the definition of “equidistribution” in my book with Henryk Iwaniec is wrong (we forgot to restrict the open sets for which convergence is claimed to those where the boundary has limiting measure zero), but it’s hard to imagine much harm coming from this. However, more serious errors are more disturbing; in particular, it makes you wonder what the frequent casual claim that The responsibility for all mistakes of course lies with [the author] really means in practice, when honest readers may well be led to a lot of misguided effort because of what is claimed with characteristic authorial confidence.

To give an unfortunate example, B. Conrey just pointed out that the same book has a very unfortunate claim that the local factor of the Rankin-Selberg convolution of two classical (holomorphic or Maass) modular forms is “the obvious one” for a ramified prime p which appears with exponent exactly one in the l.c.m. of the conductors of the two factors. In particular, this means that we claim that if f (resp. g) has p-factor

$latex 1/(1-p^{-s}),\quad\quad \text{resp. } 1/(1+p^{-s}),$

corresponding (in the case of elliptic curves) to split/non-split multiplicative reduction at p, then the local factor for the Rankin-Selberg convolution is

$latex 1/(1-p^{-s}),$

which is in particular of degree 1 in p-s. Alas, alas, this is quite wrong; the local factor should be of degree 2! The simplest way to see this is probably to think in terms of the local Langlands correspondence (note that one doesn’t need to know it is a theorem to apply it heuristically): the local factors for each form are supposed to be of the type

$latex \det(1-\rho(F_p)|V^I),$

where ρ is a 2-dimensional representation of some local Galois group acting on V, Fp is the Frobenius at p, and I is the inertia group. Generically one might indeed assume that if ρ1 and ρ2 have each a one-dimensional invariant subspace, the tensor product (which corresponds to the Rankin-Selberg convolution) would also have the same property (with basis

$latex e\otimes f$

of the invariant subspace, where e corresponds to that of ρ1 and f to that of ρ2. But the classification of these things (which are among the so-called Steinberg representations) shows that it is possible (it might indeed be always the case: I need to brush up my understanding of all this before making claims here!) that

$latex \rho_2=\rho_1\otimes \chi,$

is a twist of ρ1 by a character of degree 1. Then this means that one can find a basis e, f of a common underlying two-dimensional space so that I acts by

$latex \rho_1(i)e=e,\quad \rho_1(i)f=\chi(i)^{-1}f,\quad \rho_2(i)e=\chi(i)e,\quad \rho_2(i)f=f,$

and then, of course, we see that both vectors

$latex e\otimes f,\quad f\otimes e$

in the tensor product are invariant under I.

As I said, this mistake is quite annoying. My guess is that it may not have created any trouble (yet) for our readers: I’m pretty sure that the claim we make is true if the prime p is ramified only for one of the two modular forms (I’ll have to find a proper reference, of course), and I don’t think many analytic applications would have been outside this case. However, I plan to look at least quickly through the list of papers on MathsciNet which refer to our book to detect possibly problematic cases…

Some mathematics publication news

Some recent and upcoming publications, which will be a good opportunity to exercise the unnumbered list HTML tag…

  • The journal Mathematika, which is very well-known at least among analytic number theorists, and which had almost no internet presence (and a rather haphazard publication schedule) until very recently, is now distributed online and on paper by Cambridge, which also promises that its archives will become available soon. Since this is where many of the foundational papers and applications of the large sieve — including Bombieri’s groundbreaking paper where he proves his version of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem — were published (due to the influence of Davenport, certainly), I am particularly happy…
  • The long-awaited book of Friedlander and Iwaniec on sieve methods is announced by the A.M.S, for a May publication date.
  • Also upcoming from the A.M.S, in March, is a book of essays and surveys of Poincaré’s work in Mathematics and his influence. This is an English translation of a French book. It contains in particular a (short) chapter on Poincaré et la théorie analytique des nombres that I wrote. The English translation is not mine; in fact, my initial reaction on receiving the English text (for checking and proofreading) was a very strong dislike, and even (almost) rejection! Somehow, the fact that I hadn’t written those words, and yet I was supposed to be the author of that chapter, had a very surprising psychological effect on me. This reaction passed, though only after I produced my own translation for my own satisfaction, and — of course — realized it was much of a muchness compared with the other one. But I can now understand much better the extreme problems that may occur in literary translation, and I sympathize with the ambivalent feelings that may arise then among authors. I also wonder if my friend W. Appel reacted equally deeply to my own English translation of his mathematics textbook for physicists

New theme

I’ve changed the theme of the blog; the main reason was that I had become annoyed enough at how the previous one insisted in displaying italics in bold to look for an alternative. The new one’s default fonts are (maybe) a bit too small, but it is easy enough to make them a bit bigger in most browsers.

Found again!

As expected at the end of the earlier post, I have found my copy of the detailed programme of the performance of “MSI: The anatomy of integers and permutations”, and I can therefore give the names of the actors involved.

First, sitting on chairs on the stage, from left to right in the picture,

we have:

* Lorraine Wochna, as The Narrator;

* Emily Ann Barth, as Emmy Germain;

* Matthew Boston, as Professor K.F. Gauss;

* Mike Mihm (replacing Jay Stratton at the last minute), as Sergei Langer;

* Carl Wallnau, as Detective Jack Newman (or von Neumann; the title page of the programme uses the latter spelling, but the inside description spells it Newman);

Sitting on the stairs in front of the stage is

* Matthew Archambault, as Barry Bell;

Standing behind the readers, on the stage, are Jessica Manley, Michael Spencer and (not visible) Jennifer Granville.

Also absent are two important characters with silent role: Joe Ten Dieck and Count Nicholas Bourbaki.