Fouvry 60: tableaux d’une conférence

I more or less designated myself as the official photographer of the Fouvry60 conference, and took many pictures, quite a few of which turned out rather well. Certainly, when I view them, I think they give an accurate impression of the atmosphere of the conference. In this post I will just preview a very small selection — I and the other organizers are attempting to find the best way to make the full set available for the participants (at least.)

Deshouillers, Iwaniec and Friedlander
Jean-Marc Deshouillers, Henryk Iwaniec and John Friedlander

Although Jean-Marc Deshouillers could only attend the first day of the meeting, I was very happy to be able to take a good picture to remind us all of Kloostermania

Harald Helfgott
Harald Helfgott

Voted best-dressed speaker, and speaking about the ternary Goldbach problem, here is Harald Helfgott.

Mise en abîme
Mise en abîme

The picture for the poster was taken by C.J. Mozzochi around 1999 in Princeton.

Karim Belabas and Henri Cohen
Karim Belabas and Henri Cohen

Any time we use Pari/GP for number-theoretic computations, we can thank Karim and Henri (and a few others) for their work; Henri is currently working on a new modular forms script for Pari…

A friiendly visitor
A friendly visitor
Philippe Michel
Philippe Michel
Étienne Fouvry
Étienne Fouvry
Henryk Iwaniec
Henryk Iwaniec

Henryk Iwaniec presented his work with Brian Conrey in extending the Levinson-Conrey method to allow long mollifiers.

Cécile Dartyge
Cécile Dartyge

Cécile Dartyge, before she presented her very impressive work on the largest prime divisors of values of a polynomial of degree $latex 4$.

Tim Browning
“Reach for the skies, punk!”

Tim Browning remembers his first meeting with Fouvry…


Sitting, from left to right, Philippe Michel, Régis (du Moulin) de la Bretèche, Joël Rivat (co-organizers of the meeting) and Étienne Fouvry; on the table, the Bouillabaisse: Congre, Rascasse, Saint Pierre, j’en passe, et des meilleurs.

Jürgen Klüners
Jürgen Klüners

J. Klüners discussed his work with Fouvry on Cohen-Lenstra heuristics and the negative Pell equation; note the last line of the slide: “I can do this”; when collaborating with Fouvry, you have a good chance of receiving such a reassuring message at a tricky point of the work…

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I am a professor of mathematics at ETH Zürich since 2008.