On title multiplicity

While looking with Google for the precise reference to the paper of Ingham (which K. Soundararajan had helpfully pointed out) which is mentioned in this comment to my earlier post, it transpired that the title “A note on Fourier transforms” is not really univoque (as people used to say before “injective” became the fashion): there are at least five distinct papers with the exact same title (MathSciNet only finds two of them, because the others — including Ingham’s — were published too early to appear in that database, but Google scholar found them, missing however the one of H. Kober in 1944). Since all are in the Journal (or Bulletin) of the London Mathematical Society, there’s of course a small chance that there are other papers with this title, hidden somewhere.

But in any case, I wonder what is the mathematical title which occurs with highest multiplicity? Who has an example with more than five?

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I am a professor of mathematics at ETH Zürich since 2008.