It seems that most of my posts these days are devoted to announcing conferences in which I am involved as organizer… Indeed, there are two coming up this year (actually three, if I count the MSRI summer school):
(1) May 14 and 15, we will have the Number Theory Days 2015 at EPF Lausanne; the speakers are Gaetan Chenevier, Henryk Iwaniec, Alena Pirutka, Chris Skinner and Zhiwei Yun; this is co-organized by Ph. Michel and myself.
(2) Immediately afterward, from May 18 to 22, comes a conference at FIM, co-organized by H. Iwaniec, Ph. Michel and myself, with the title of “Analytic Aspects of Number Theory”; the current list of speakers is to be found on the web page; here is the poster (which is based on a picture taken by Henryk around Zürich last Fall):
![AANT Poster](
Most importantly, there is a certain amount of funding available for local expenses of your researchers (doctoral and postdoctoral students). Applications can be made here (before Feburuary 6; the form states January 28, but this is an error that will be corrected).