Upcoming books

As the summer vacations draw to a close, I’d like to point to two upcoming AMS books which might, hopefully, interest some readers…

(1) My lecture notes on representation theory (expanded) will appear in September, published in the Graduate Studies in Mathematics series; the preview material contains Chapter 1, and a fair bit of Chapter 2; the index is also available, and perusing it will give an idea of the range of topics mentioned.

(2) Henryk Iwaniec has also a new book coming, in October, containing his lectures notes on the Riemann zeta function. I haven’t seen it yet, but he told me that the highlight, in his opinion, is the second part which contains his personal treatment of the Levinson method for finding critical zeros of zeta. This should be quite interesting to read…

Update (August 29): the AMS web site confirms that my book is already available!

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I am a professor of mathematics at ETH Zürich since 2008.