It has been well said that Kloosterman sums are everywhere. Back in August, I showed how to visualize them on an ordinary laptop or desktop computer — software available also on its own page.
However, modern enlightened thought holds that availability on even the smallest of netbooks is not a good measure of ubiquity. Hence, without further ado, I am happy to introduce Pocket Kloostermania, the Android version. An installable package file can be downloaded from this link; it, and the source code, are also available now on the Kloostermania page; the license remains GPLv2.
Here’s what it looks like on the emulator.
Features/user manual are:
* The program has been installed and tested only on a Nexus One; it probably requires at least Android 2.0, but should be adaptable to earlier ones.
* On startup, the program displays the graph for S(1,1;173).
* Changes of orientation of the screen are recognized.
* Pressing the Menu soft key brings three choices (as seen on the picture):
Modulus and sum displays on the screen the modulus of the current sum (the two other parameters are always 1 and 1) as well as its value;
New sum shows a text input dialog where a new modulus can be entered; to finish input, press either Done on the soft keyboard, or the Back soft key, and the new sum will be drawn (with a modulus rounded to the nearest prime number);
About gives the version number and license information.