Schlagwort: ICT Governance

IT Services take over all ICT support at D-GESS

Collaboration between the ITS and D-GESS has been placed on a new footing. As of July 1st 2010, current SLAs, concluded with individual professorships, will be replaced by an integrated contract with D-GESS. The possibility of more efficient support structures and better cost-benefit results were important factors towards this decision. Read more

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Neuartige Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Departement Biologie und den Informatikdiensten

Im Frühjahr 2009 hat das D-BIOL im Auftrag des Vorstehers und mit Unterstützung des Vizepräsidenten für Planung und Ressourcen und der Informatikdienste ein neues Informatikkonzept erarbeitet. Read more

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Innovative collaboration between the Department of Biology and the IT Services

In spring 2009, D-BIOL, commissioned by its head and with the support of the Vice President for Planning and Resources and the IT Services, developed a new IT concept. Read more

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