ITS-High Performance Computing (ID-HPC) to join CSCS

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The ITS-High Performance Computing (ID-HPC) move to CSCS on Sept.1 2010 opens new perspectives both for the group and for HPC at ETH.

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Welcome to the IT world at ETH

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For all new employees at ETH a new brochure in German and English has recently been published on the Web. The new publication is a synopsis of the many ITS services available for ETH employees and includes hints and tips to facilitate work at ETH.

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Connecting the Future – a glimpse behind the ITS scenes

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The important role IT plays in education, research and services, only surfaces when one of our IT services does not function properly. Get a closer look behind the scenes in our new ITS brochure «Connecting the future».

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Update to «People Search» Application

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The new ETH-Zurich People Search,, has been in operation since March 11, 2009. The environment has proven stable with short response times even during peak capacity such as during initial launching and ETH-wide notification.

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