Kategorie: News English

Euler Cluster extended by fat nodes

The computer cluster Euler has been extended by 32 fat nodes over the past weeks to support memory intensive applications of Euler shareholders. Read more

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How does GATT-WTO affect ETH procurements?

Assume responsibility: What is WTO? Who is responsible for what? How long does the process take? Read more

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Contract Law for IT procurement at ETH Zurich

Assume responsibility – IT Procurement: are you aware of your rights and obligations? What must I do and what should I rather avoid? Read more

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Lunchtime Meeting: Discovering Einstein’s Tracks

“Follow in the footsteps of great scholars, researchers and Nobel Prize winners.” Read more

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IDES + Stud-IDES: Software, Licensing, Updates 2013-2014

IDES  (software licences for employees) and Stud-IDES (software for students) is the IT Services electronic online purchase and delivery system. Read more

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ITS video recommendation: media change in Switzerland in 2014

“When was your last day without Internet?” Impressive facts and figures. Read more

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Acquisition and use of software licenses at ETH Zurich

Software purchase and use entail many important aspects which buyers, IT supporters, and especially end users must be aware of. Read more

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PROF(IS)essionals at Work

From time to time an announcement appears on the ETH homepage regarding an inaugural lecture by a newly appointed professor at ETH. Read more

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