Kategorie: News English

ETH-Bibliothek now available with nethz login

Starting September 2012, ETH members can access the services of the ETH-Bibliothek using their nethz login. Read more

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20 Years at ETH: life is like a carousel and full of surprises

The IT Services congratulates Benno Luthiger Stoll on his 20th anniversary at ETH. Read more

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Reminder: Do not forget to update your internal office addresses

Please update your internal ETH office address whenever you move or if there is any change in the contact details below. You are responsible for ensuring that your address is up to date. Read more

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DOI 2.0 in Production

At the beginning of August the second version of the ETH Library DOI Registration Tool was deployed and is currently in production.

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IT Services Quality and Process Management

Dieter Gut, ITS Management, describes his role as a quality manager very succinctly: Read more

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Karl Sidler celebrates his 35th anniversary at ETH Zurich

Karl considered it a stroke of luck when he found a job at ETH Zurich and began working in July 1977 as a peripheral operator in the former “Rechenzentrum”. Read more

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Job Switch: From Client Support to Service Desk

Rudolf Friederich recently switched from ITS Client Support to the Service Desk. Read more

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