ETH online exams successfully implemented

“Unsuccessful implementation of online exams at the University of Zurich” shouted the article heading in “Tages-Anzeiger” and “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” at the beginning of this year. Not only once but several days in a row. The news spread like wildfire until even the foreign media such as “Spiegel Online” and various television channels joined in the fray and publicized the matter.

UZH is not ETH

The story was indeed true and it happened at the University of Zurich, Department of Law. A frightening example of how swiftly a university can become the subject of ridicule. A small error – whether lack of expertise, a slight technical oversight or insufficient planning –  can quickly cause a major loss of image.

Online exams at ETH Zurich

Electronic exams have been taking place at ETH Zurich in increasing numbers for years. They are downloaded on standard Windows or Linux computers in the computer labs in the main building. The exams can take one hour – or even six. Sometimes there is only a small group of examinees like 10 people, at other times, 300 students, divided in two groups, need to be tested. Electronic examination is being implemented by all ETH departments. A wide variety of methods and tools are used to test knowledge and analytical skills. Some tests even take place cross continental: while ETH students are taking an exam in front of a computer in a lab in the ETH main building, three Swiss exchange students connected with ETH Zurich online, are taking the same exam using equally controlled computers at an American university.

Conversion to an examination room

Often, as is wont to happen at any university, there is just not enough space available. In such cases, one of Mechanical and Process Engineering’s large drawing rooms can quickly be converted and filled to the brim with 180 sufficiently-spaced computer work stations to be used for the exam session. Once exams are over, the room is reconverted in no time and is ready and available for the department’s students at the start of the new semester.

Good News

None of the above finds its way to the media. Here’s why: because it works! Every semester, electronic exams at ETH Zurich take place consistently and on schedule, like a well-oiled machine. Who are the technicians and mechanics, engineers, logisticians and managers behind the scene? We are a diverse team; members of the IT Services, the Rectorate and LET, Services and Real Estate. Thanks to our joint dedication, online exams successfully take place twice a year at end of semester, without fail. This past January / February 2014 we did it again! Thank you to all who made it possible. (Original German text Reinhard Hess)

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