Current safeIT cartoon

The safeIT cartoons by ICT-Networks, Network Security Group, have practically achieved cult status.

safeIT is a security awareness program for all employees and students of ETH Zurich with the goal of raising IT-security awareness. The safeIT-cartoons have been realized through IT Services and the cooperative efforts of the Informatics Support Group (ISG) of the department Informatics. The safeIT campaign is designed to help raise awareness of all employees and students of ETH about the use of Informatics Technology and Tools.

Cartoon Nr.6

Cartoon Nr.6, “Report incidents immediately”  is available on the Multimedia Portal:
Safety-relevant IT issues and incidents should always be reported immediately to the ITS Service Desk. Be aware: even if you ignore the virus – the virus will certainly not ignore you!

Report incidents immediately

  • Consider offenses against integrity and confidentiality as an incident.
  • Report security relevant incidents to your supervisor or to the responsible IT-support group
  • Report (possible) virus infections to the responsible IT-support group.


IT Security Awareness

The safeIT Awareness campaign includes IT house rules, a safeIT quiz and six IT Awareness cartoon videos.


IT House Rules

There are  seven basic IT rules that apply to the entire ETH and are to be regarded as an aid in regulating daily use of IT resources at ETH Zurich. The rules are listed in the safeIT brochure.


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