Reminder: Do not forget to update your internal office addresses

Please update your internal ETH office address whenever you move or if there is any change in the contact details below. You are responsible for ensuring that your address is up to date.

The office address and / or first line of office address (name of org. unit) can be personally mutated in the “Addresses and Personal Data” application.
> menu item “Addresses” > heading “ETH-office address”:

  • first line of office address: customize “c/o” drop-down box, (organizational units and parent organizations can be selected)
  • determine building, floor and office number
  • select personal phone number in the drop-down box
  • enter other phone numbers (“alternate phone, office phone, external phone, fax”)
  • Please note office addresses are not always automatically updated. After an ETH-internal  move or upon receipt of a new telephone number the office address must be changed manually. Updated data will appear in the “People Search” application,, the following day at the latest.

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The ITS Service Desk  is available for any questions concerning internal address mutation.



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in News English