New division within the ITS

At its annual conference at the beginning of November 2011, the ITS management resolved to found an IT Portfolio Management group and to set up a new IT procurement organisation at ETH as part of its strategic aims for 2012.

Consequently the establishment of the new IT Procurement & Portfolio Division (PPF) was announced per January 1st 2012. The aim of the new division is to expand IT procurement as a service for all of ETH and also to proactively further develop IT portfolio services together with its clients.

In order to bring together the existing activities in the areas of procurement and contract management, the present procurement instances (i.e. within the ITS management, the IDES group and a couple of other instances, which are predominantly concerned with procurement) will be primarily integrated into the new division. The existing positions from IT Portofolio Management within VPPR will also be integrated into the new division.

Ms. Dordaneh Arangeh will head the new division which will be operational from February 1st 2012.

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