SMS at ETH Zurich

Every ETH member with a nethz login can use the SMS Gateway to send text messages.

Originally designed for the internal alarm system, the SMS-Gateway,, is now available for all ETH members. Since October 1st 2010 the service is cost incurring and unlimited.

Whereas prior to 10.1.2010 the number of text messages sent was approximately 250,000 domestic and about 40,000 international, after October 2010 this number declined to approximately 40,000 domestic and  3000 international short messages. This amounts to an overall reduction of 85% in text messaging: an 84% decrease in domestic messaging while international messaging decreased by as much 92%.

More information on charging your account, rates, mobile certification and reclaiming credit balance can be found on our ITS website «SMS at ETH Zurich» .

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