Web Relaunch: Is Silva shortly to be replaced?

The question has been cropping up time and again. Let me give you the basic facts first: by mid 2012 the «ETH Web Relaunch» project shall essentially have developed

  • a new ETH homepage
  • a members «portal» as starting point for the infrastructure web sites
  • four departmental sites to serve as models for research and teaching units

Based on the above, ETH units will be continuously migrating to the new system and structure.

The new system (Web Content Management System, WCMS) is still undefined. It will certainly not be the old Silva and probably not the latest Silva version either.

Attending a Silva course at present can help you with the maintenance of existing sites while providing insight into WCMS concepts. I therefore believe that for the moment taking the course certainly makes sense. Starting next year each unit will have to newly assess the situation, based on current web developments.

Web Relaunch is no «Big Bang», rather it is an ongoing migration of old sites into a new model, a process which will probably extend until the year 2015.

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