PROF(IS)essionals at Work

From time to time an announcement appears on the ETH homepage regarding an inaugural lecture by a newly appointed professor at ETH. How many of us fully appreciate the effort and planning it takes before a professor reaches this point? Katharina Hagenauer and Sonja Schlaepfer from the Office for Faculty Affairs can tell us a lot about the process. On behalf of the President of ETH Zurich, the Office for Faculty Affairs is responsible for the supervision of professors before and during their stay in Zurich and their appointment at ETH Zurich.

Office for Faculty – Chair Planning

Chair planning and the related financial planning and budget coordination in the departments is one of the tasks administered by the Office for Faculty Affairs. The crucial planning process and the choice of professors are regarded as the most important task of the ETH President. Up to now, chair planning was done using an extensive Excel table. Now this table has reached its limits and it has become clear that an alternate solution was needed.

Software Services Division

Luckily the solution wasn’t that far away. Our in-house Software Project Services team which is part of the IT Services SWS division was able to be of help. Their service portfolio includes, inter alia, IT technical monitoring or management of software-related projects for the school board, the units in the departmental organisation and the central bodies. Core competence is SW-system architecture, system integration, application and interface development and implementation of IT projects.

All Participants at One Table

The project “Excel replacement” went into productive operation at the end of March 2014 with a tailor-made solution (“PROFIS – PROFessuren Informations System”). Obviously we were very much interested in an interview with the project stakeholders: Katharina Hagenauer, Office for Faculty Affairs, Sonja Schlaepfer, Office for Faculty Affairs, Dr. Giorgio Broggi, Head of ITS Software Services (ITS SWS) and Andreas Jost, Group Head SW Project Services (ITS SWS). The interview was conducted by Sabine Hoffmann, ITS Marketing & Communications.


The PROFIS team in PROFIS-shirt, celebrating the successful production start. From left: Catherine Hagenauer, Andreas Jost, Markus Kreuzer, Sonja Schlaepfer and Claudia Farnung.


Login-Mask PROFIS

Login-Maske PROFIS


For the complete interview please visit the German blog.


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