Lunchtime Meetings at KOF

Who hasn’t heard of KOF? KOF (acronym for the German word “Konjunkturforschungsstelle”) is the renown Swiss Economic Institute at the ETH.

Ever since she heard of KOF’s 75th birthday celebration this year, Sabine Hoffmann, ITS Marketing & Communication, knew exactly where the next successful “lunch meeting” should take place. However, convincing Prof. Dr. Jan-Egbert Sturm, Professor of Applied Macroeconomics and Director of KOF Swiss Economic Institute at the ETH Zurich, to give us a private showing wasn’t that easy.  The large amount of participants, not to mention all the disappointed applicants, showed the enormous interest of ITS members on the subject and proved Ms. Hoffmann’s prediction right.




All attendees agreed that the allotted hour passed much too quickly. We especially admire Dr. Jan-Egbert Sturm’s skill in making the subject matter, economics and statistics, understandable to people working in other fields. For us it was truly exciting to gain insight into a topic very different from IT.  Of course, a highly-functioning ICT infrastructure is a pre-requisite in this field as well. Dr. Jan-Egbert Sturm’s appreciation for ITS support was most gratifying.




Organisational Structure of KOF




For more details visit our German blog.

Kontakt über Mittag /Lunchtime Meetings

“Kontakt über Mittag” was first established three years ago, in 2010. The IT Services (ITS) has more than 200 employees who are spread out in about 15 different buildings. “Kontakt über Mittag” provides an opportunity for cross-departmental activities in small groups. During these lunchtime meetings we get to meet interesting personalities, learn about exciting research at ETH and visit historical or simply fascinating parts of ETH Zurich. All ITS employees are welcome to join. Participation is limited and on a first come first serve basis.



  • Robotics and Animation, January 2014 & November 2013


  • KOF, Prof. Dr. Jan-Egbert Sturm, November 2013
  • Interactive Geometry Lab, Prof. Dr. Olga Sorkine-Hornung, November 2013
  • Kontakt über Mittag – Bees, July 2013
  • Projekt Skye, The Omnidirectional Spherical Blimp, June 2013
  • Kontakt über Mittag Special – FIFA Endowed Chair, F-MARC, Home of FIFA, April 2013
  • SunCar – Lotus Evora, Elektromobility, ETH Fokusproject, Technopark, January 2013


  • FIFA Endowed Chair, Medical/Cartilage Technology, Prof. Dr. Marcy Zenobi-Wong, D-HEST, Nov./Dec. 2012
  • Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, Quadrocopter, August 2012
  • Swiss Seismological Service and focusTerra, EQ Simulator May/June 2012
  • Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT), Railway operations laboratory Feb./March 2012


  • Semper-Sternwarte/Collegium Helveticum, Prof. Dr. Gerd Folkers, December 2011
  • Disney Research Zürich, Prof. Dr. Markus Gross, October 2011
  • ETH Bibliothek, Spezialsammlungen/Preziosenzimmer, DigiCenter, June 2011
  • Graphische Sammlung, historischer Lesesaal der Architekten, Francisco de Goya-Ausstellung, March 2011


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