The iPad for Use at Exhibitions

Unquestionably, the tablet has become the method of choice for presenting information to potentially interested persons at fairs and conferences. Whether texts, images or video (or a combination of all), your presentation will be highly superior to anything brochures, posters, or even conventional computers can offer.

ETH Zurich Professional Training Trade Show Hall 1 / D04

Not surprisingly, HR recently contacted the Multimedia Services with a special request related to this topic. At the Professional Training Trade Show in fall, HR wanted to use iPads to promote the various training options available at ETH and show their videos to interested students. The challenge therein was twofold: On the one hand the presentation of 12 videos in a kind of menu and on the other hand, protecting the tablets from misuse. Secondary condition: the above should be possible without an Internet connection, since the latter is potentially error prone.

Search and Find

Initial research revealed that the iPad was not sufficiently equipped for this. Although it is possible to reduce app use without exchanging the app, the iOS native application (“Video”) was not sufficiently outfitted to be able to present twelve videos together. Moreover it also offered an “Edit” option which made it possible to delete videos.

However, once we became familiar with the term “kiosk mode” we hit pay dirt. “kiosk mode” allows defined content and defined modifications only. The “Kiosk Pro” app offers a friendly interface and numerous options which suit our needs. Kiosk Pro displays only web pages and media from local files stored on the iPad directly. This was exactly what we actually wanted. A detailed documentation is available on request.

Theft Protection

The above solution obviously has its drawbacks. Besides the problem that headphones are also needed and the resulting cable clutter, theft protection must be ensured. In contrast to brochures, which we encourage the public to take along, we certainly wouldn’t want anyone to take off with our iPads. This problem can be circumvented by using covers which cover the Home button and thus protect the iPad from theft. Alternatively, the latter can also be disabled using iOS options.

Contact Olaf Schulte, ITS Multimedia Services

Trainees at ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich is one of the leading international universities for technology and the natural sciences. It is the study, research and working base for some 25,000 people from over 100 different countries. About 10,000 people are employed in 16 departments as well as in the Central Bodies and administration.

ETH Zurich has a tradition of offering young people traineeship opportunities. About 150 trainees are trained in 13 career fields. Dedicated learning laboratories in chemistry, biology, electronics and physics as well as a trainee workshop contribute to the ETH’s outstanding reputation.


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