IT Meets Neighbouring Bees

“Lunchtime Meeting” – 20 ITS employees were introduced to bees and beekeeping tips and secrets and it all started with an article in the “Tagesanzeiger”.
Did you know that we have a bee colony right in our neighbourhood? Right next to our STB building (Stampfenbachstrasse) on the Marriott Hotel’s terrace.

Bee Facts

In Switzerland, there are approximately 200 000 bee colonies maintained by approximately 18 000 beekeepers. A bee colony consists of a queen, 1000 drones, depending on the season up to 40 000 workers and provides up to 10 kilograms of honey.

About 80% of major crops, including fruits, berries, vegetables and canola are dependent on the pollination of bees.

Kontakt über Mittag /Lunchtime Meetings

“Kontakt über Mittag” was first established three years ago, in 2010. The IT Services (ITS) has more than 200 employees who are spread out in about 15 different buildings. “Kontakt über Mittag” provides an opportunity for cross-departmental activities in small groups. During these lunchtime meetings we get to meet interesting personalities, learn about exciting research at ETH and visit historical or simply fascinating parts of ETH Zurich. All ITS employees are welcome to join. Participation is limited and on a first come first serve basis.

For more details visit our German blog.

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